Equal and non-transferable? Preferences for the system of birth leave entitlements
Maternity Leave, Non-transferable Paternity Leave, Daddy Quotas, Parental Leave, Family Policies , Public Policy PreferencesAbstract
Given the lacuna of research on the preferences towards the system of birth leave entitlements in Spain, this study relies on an original survey of 3,100 recent parents. We data reveal a very low acceptance rate (of 11%) of the current system of equal and non-transferable leave entitlements, and a considerable gender gap in preferences regarding the distribution of the weeks of leave between mothers and fathers. In turn, we find broad support (of 95%) for a pair of new leave entitlements that would protect the mother's health before and after birth, even among parents who previously indicated a preference for the equal duration of weeks among mothers and fathers. The results indicate systematic inconsistencies in policy preferences, suggesting that preferences are not crystallized, possibly due to the absence of public debate regarding their characteristics and implications.
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