
Gender Ideologies in Spain: A Latent Class Approach



Gender Ideology • Values • Latent Class Analysis, Values, Latent Class Analysis


Attitudes towards gender equality are often described as either “traditional” or “egalitarian”, depending on support for separate or
joint spheres. Recent research suggests that ideologies are more complex and include multiple dimensions. Using data from the
2018 Fertility Survey, we apply a Latent Class Analysis to study the different dimensions of gender egalitarianism in Spain. We contribute to the literature by considering the role of “family centrality” and by including several indicators that allow us give greater nuance to the interpretation of certain dimensions. The analysis shows that there are five profiles of respondents with different understandings of gender egalitarianism. We also study the sociodemographic characteristics of each of these profiles, showing that sex, age, education, and religiosity are the main variables associated with gender ideology. 


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How to Cite

Domínguez-Folgueras, M. (2024). Gender Ideologies in Spain: A Latent Class Approach. Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, 23–42. Retrieved from


