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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Work has not been published or has not been subject to consideration by any other journal (or an explanation regarding the editor's comments has been provided).
  • Work has been presented in a communication or congress. If so, work must have been substantially amended in order to be published in journal, and this situation must be explained by the author.
  • All authors who have participated in the preparation of the manuscript must give their consent to submit it for evaluation, specifying the criteria chosen to decide the order of signature and adding the specific contribution made by each one.
  • Those individuals who even though they didn’t work but contributed to the project development and are authorized to be in this project, must be included under acknowledgements.
  • Follow journal guidelines in regard with bibliographical references and cites. Each author shall be responsible for the citations appearing in text. See examples in previous issues.
  • File will be submitted in OpenOffice format, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect, and will follow the journal rules.
  • Text is reached to the maximum number of words established (including title, abstracts, keywords, tables, bibliography, footnotes and annexes): 9,000 words for articles, 5,000 for research notes and notes on the data bank from the CIS, 3,500 for bibliographic essays and 2,500 for book reviews.
  • The text is single spaced; 12 point font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed at the end of the text.
  • Whenever possible, URL addresses are provided for references.
  • Text must follow the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the author’s guidelines under the About the Journal section.
  • An anonymous version of the text is attached without acknowledgments and authors to facilitate their anonymous evaluation.
  • Research complies with the ethical indications of the REIS, as well as the legal requirements of the country where it was carried out.
  • It is recommended that the authors of published papers with research data including the sex variable, report in the conclusions possible differences between sexes.
  • Add a source of funding for the research that has resulted in the published work. The funding agency(ies) and the code(s) of the project(s) must be indicated within the framework of which the research that has given rise to the research has been carried out. to the post. This data must be referenced in the article by the authors and be collected by the journal in the metadata it stores.

Author Guidelines

The aim of the Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (REIS) is to disseminate previously-unpublished academic work in the fields of sociology, political science and related social sciences that help to improve our knowledge of society, politics and social research methodology.

Before sending in a manuscript for evaluation, we ask you to make sure that its content is in keeping with these objectives. Manuscripts that are not related to these fields may be rejected without evaluation.

1. Papers must be submitted for assessment in Spanish or English. All the articles assessed and approved will be published in the electronic edition of the magazine in both languages. The paper edition will only publish articles in Spanish.

2. The REIS accepts the following types of manuscript for publication:

a) Articles: these should be original pieces of theoretical or empirical research with an adequate level of theoretical or analytical development and set out in the standard format for specialised science journals.
b) Research notes: these should comprise a brief outline of singular findings, new contributions, replication of previous findings or additions to the scientific literature that justify their publication, but without the theoretical scope and development or analytical detail required for articles.
c) Notes on the CIS Data Bank: projects that harness and analyse evolutionary trends on current topics of sociological or political interest using the CIS Data Bank.
d) Bibliographic essays: these should analyse two or more recent publications on the same subject; they may include footnotes and a list of bibliographic references at the end.
e) Book reviews: these should be essays that analyse new publications of academic and scientific interest.

3. Submission of manuscripts: to submit original manuscripts to the REIS, please go to the website of this journal:


Manuscripts can only be accepted for consideration through the OJS platform. Originals sent via email will not be considered. Any questions about the manuscript submission process should be sent by email to

4. Submission of a manuscript implies that the author has read and accepted these instructions, as well as the editorial guidelines.

5. All communications related to the work will be sent by the Secretary's Office of the REIS through the Scholar One system to the author or submitter of the work. He or she must register in the system as the author and fill in the fields marked as obligatory. Where there are several authors, the abovementioned person will be responsible for contacting his/her collaborators and providing the REIS Secretary's Office with any information it may request in relation to the latter, assuming liability for any conflicts that may arise in connection with authorship of the manuscript.1. Any change of correspondence recipient must be explicitly requested.

6. Papers must be previously unpublished in any language. However, the journal could accept papers previously published in conference proceedings provided that their quality justifies it. The author must indicate where the paper has been previously published.

The author will be responsible for informing the REIS of the situation regarding copyright. For the purposes of the stipulations laid down in sections 138-143 of the Intellectual Property Law (art. 138-143 de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual) concerning the actions and proceedings that may be brought against those who infringe intellectual property rights, the author will be considered liable for the publication of a paper that infringes said rights.

7. Two versions of the manuscript must be sent:

a) One in the format in which the author would like it to be published.
b) An anonymized version, i.e. a version in which all references enabling the author to be directly identified or his/her identity to be inferred have been deleted.

In any event, the REIS Secretary's Office will verify the anonymization of manuscripts.

8. A brief biographical note of no more than 150 words per author should be attached. This note should include at the least the following information:

a) Full name and ID (ORCID REsearch).
b) Institutional affiliation, stated in descending order, i.e. general institution (main entity), followed by subordinate institution or institutions (departments, etc.) in order of organizational hierarchy, city (even if the name of the institution already includes it) and country. The full and official name of the institution should always be used.
c) An e-mail address.

The REIS Secretary's Office reserves the right to publish a summary of the biographical note in accordance with the usual practice of specialized journals.

9. The format of manuscripts submitted through the Scholar One system must fulfil the following requirements:

a) The tittle of “articles”, “research notes” and “notes on the CIS data bank” should appear first in Spanish and then in English. The title should reflect the content of the article or note. It is recommended that titles be no more than 10 words long. Subtitles may be used, but under no circumstances will they include abbreviations.
b) Papers should be prefaced by a brief abstract of between 100 and 130 words, one version in Spanish and another in English, both with the same content. The abstract must clearly state the purpose of the research or study (aims), the basic procedures (methods), the main findings (results), and the most significant conclusions, and should also highlight new and important aspects of the study.
c) The abstract should be followed by a list of between 4 and 8 keywords in Spanish and the corresponding translation into English. Wherever possible, internationally accepted terms in the fields of sociology and political science should be used or, failing this, internationally accepted terms in these scientific disciplines.
d) The keywords should be followed by the proposed manuscript text which must conform to the following characteristics:

- “Articles” will have a maximum length of 9,000 words, including the title, abstracts, keywords, tables, bibliography and footnotes.
- “Research notes” and “notes on the CIS data bank” will have a maximum length of 5,000 words, including the title, abstracts, keywords, tables, bibliography and footnotes.
- “Bibliographic essays” will have a maximum length of 3,500 words.
- “Book reviews” will have a maximum length of 2,500 words and must specify the author, title, publisher, place and date of publication of the reviewed work, as well as the name, surname(s) and contact address of the author of the review.

10. The style of the text of the submitted manuscript must:

a) Use a single font type and size: Times New Roman 12.
b) Do not justify the text.
c) Do not indent the beginning of paragraphs.
d) Explain all abbreviations the first time they are mentioned.
e) Notes must be located at the foot of the page.

11. All tables and graphs should be correctly numbered (Roman numerals for tables and Arabic numerals for graphs) and presented one per page at the end of the document. Their titles must be concise and enable the content of the table or graph to be understood. In the specific case of the tables, vertical lines for separating the corresponding columns should not be outlined. Images should be sent separately, in TIF or JPEG file format, with a resolution of 300 DPI and a minimum width of 10cm.

12. All references listed in the bibliography must be cited in the text itself. Likewise, any idea expressed in the text as belonging to another author must have its corresponding entry in the bibliography.

13. Quotations from books and articles in the text should appear in the body of the text and not in footnotes. Each quotation must be placed between parentheses, indicating the author's surname in lower case letters, the year of publication and the page number, e.g.: (Bourdieu, 2000:31). If two or more documents have the same author and year of publication, lower case letters added after the year between the parentheses should be used to distinguish between them (Coté, 1985a). Documents with two authors should be cited by stating the surname (or first surname only in the case of dual surnames) of each author and connecting them with “and” (Newton and Norris, 2000). For documents with more than two authors, the citation will be abbreviated by indicating only the surname of the first author followed by “et al.”.

14. Bibliographical references should be located at the end of the text in alphabetical order of authors and in accordance with the following criteria:

a) In the case of several authors: First author: surname/name; remaining authors: surname/name. If there are no more than three authors, they must all be mentioned; if there are more than three, indicate the name of the first author and add (et al.).
b) Year of publication between parentheses.
c) Article or chapter title in inverted commas and book title in italics. The name of the journal should also be italicised.
d) Place of publication, publisher or name of journal, issue number and pages referred to.
e) DOI (Digital Object Identifier) that identifies it.

The following illustrative examples are provided for reference purposes:

* Book references:
Inglehart, Ronald (1997). Modernization and Postmodernization. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Campbell, Angus et al. (1960). The American Voter. New York: Wiley.

* References to book chapters:
Newton, Kenneth and Norris, Pippa (2000). “Confidence in Public Institutions: Faith, Culture, or Performance?”. In: S. Pharr and R. Putnam (eds.). Disaffected Democracies: What´s Troubling the Trilateral Countries?. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

* References to journal articles:
Clarke, Harold D.; Dutt, Nitish and Kornberg, Allan (1993). “The Political Economy of Attitudes toward Polity and Society in Western European Democracies”. Journal of Politics, 55(4): 998-1021. 10.2307/2131945

* Internet references:
Green, Melanie; Krosnick, Jon A. and Holbrook, Allyson L. (2001). The Survey Response Process in Telephone and Face-to-Face Surveys: Differences in Respondent Satisficing and Social Desirability Response Bias (online)., accessed April 1, 2011.

15. Where applicable, authors must declare any research grant or funding they may have received.

16. The Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas manifests its commitment to gender politics to ensure equality between men and women. The journal has three goals:

a) Balance the number of men and women which make up the different editorial bodies and guarantee that 50% of evaluations are carried out by women;
b) Comply with guidelines on inclusive language, recommending its use by authors when writing articles in line with gender equality guidelines which refer to the use of the two sexes interchangeably as well as the use of gender-neutral language;
c) Avoid stereotypes and prejudices related to gender, by delimiting this variable in the results without adding connotations that could show differences or unequal treatment during their presentation.


Deberán ser trabajos de investigación originales, de carácter teórico o empírico, con un adecuado desarrollo teórico o analítico y tener el formato habitual de las revistas científicas especializadas. 

Notas de Investigación

Deberán informar brevemente de hallazgos singulares, nuevas aportaciones, replicación de hallazgos o añadidos a la literatura científica que justifiquen su publicación sin la extensión y desarrollo teóricos o el detalle analítico requerido a los artículos. 

Ensayos bibliográficos

Analizarán dos o más publicaciones recientes sobre el mismo tema; podrán tener notas a pie de página y referencias bibliográficas al final.

Crítica de libros

Serán trabajos ensayísticos que analicen novedades editoriales de interés académico y científico.

Notas sobre el banco de datos del CIS

Deberán presentar trabajos en los que se realice una explotación y análisis de tendencias de evolución sobre temas de actualidad e interés sociológico o politológicos, empleando el Banco de Datos del CIS. 

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mails included in this journal will be exclusively used for the purposes stated therein and shall not be provided to third parties or for any other purpose.

More information can fe found on the CIS website, in the citizen services and data protection section. In the following link you can find detailed information on access to the regulations and the different forms