Utilización de nuevas tecnologías para el proceso de "recogida de datos" en la investigación social mediante encuesta





Encuestas, Nuevas tecnologías, Recogida de datos, Calidad


This paper comprises a reflection on the influence of the different procedures used for
data collection, and centres specifically on the use of new technologies. Years ago, data collection
procedures were classified according to whether the interviewer was physically present or
otherwise, and whether or not an interviewer existed. These categories gave rise to three «traditional
» data collection procedures: the personal, the telephonic and the postal interview. At
the present time, these data collection methods are significantly improved by the appearance
of new technologies which permit the collection of a larger amount of data and its rapid transmission
at a cost which is, on occasions, much lower. Notable amongst these are: the computer-
assisted personal interview, the automatic telephonic interview, the survey conducted via
fax, the electronic self-completion survey and the electronic survey carried out through e-mail.


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How to Cite

Díaz de Rada, V. (2024). Utilización de nuevas tecnologías para el proceso de "recogida de datos" en la investigación social mediante encuesta. Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, (91), 137–166. https://doi.org/10.5477/cis/reis.91.137



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