Does Gender Make a Difference? Career Profiles of Latin American Presidents (1978-2022)




Latin America • Political Career • Gender • Presidency, latin America, Political Career, Gender, Presidency


The aim of this study is to identify whether there are substantive differences in the career development of men and women who
have held the presidency in a Latin America country. To do this, we reconstruct the trajectory of the 162 men and women that have,
under democracy, been the chief executives of their government in the region between 1978 and 2022. From the reconstruction of their political careers, we propose a classification of career profiles based on three dimensions: capital of origin, entry channel into politics, and capitalisation after leaving the presidency. The data show differentiated patterns by gender.


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How to Cite

Barragán Manjón, M., & Rodríguez Balmaceda, C. G. (2024). Does Gender Make a Difference? Career Profiles of Latin American Presidents (1978-2022). Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, (186), 3–24.


