Productivity and Collaboration Networks in the Main Spanish Sociology Journals: A Gender-Based Analysis of the Period 2001-2020




Network Analysis, Bibliometrics, Scientrics Collaboration, gender, Scientfic Productivity, Sociology, Sociology of Science


The aim of this piece of research is to study productivity and scientific collaboration in the main Spanish sociology journals from a gender perspective. The authorship of 3171 documents published in these journals during the period 2001-2020 was analysed using
bibliometric and social network analysis techniques. While there was an overwhelming male dominance at the start of the period,
the results show a steady trend towards parity; however, this was only achieved during the 2016-2020 period, and not in all indicators. In conclusion, gender advances in sociology research have only partially come to fruition in Spain, but the scholarly monitoring system cannot be held accountable for this. 


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How to Cite

García-Ramos, A., Martínez-Sánchez, W., & Jiménez-Loaisa, F. J. (2024). Productivity and Collaboration Networks in the Main Spanish Sociology Journals: A Gender-Based Analysis of the Period 2001-2020. Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, (186), 43–64.


