Associationism, Social Capital and Gender in Spanish Society




Social Capital, Social Trust, Gender, Associativeness


This paper examines associative participation in Spanish society  from a gender perspective, focusing on participation levels,
associative integration and forms of associationism. The following research questions were formulated: “Do levels of associative
participation differ between men and women?” and “Do men and women participate in the same type of associations?”. To respond
to these questions, data from the 2019 Survey on Social Capital in Spain was analyzed. This data is representative at a national
level, and descriptive, correlational and ordered logistic regression analyses were performed. It was concluded that evidence supports a burden of gender roles in terms of associationism, especially for political associationism, creating a ceiling effect for participation and even social trust. 


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How to Cite

Vázquez-Chas, L., & Pena-López, J. A. (2024). Associationism, Social Capital and Gender in Spanish Society. Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, (186), 143–158.


