The instruments used for measuring identities in the studies carried out by the CIS and the Eurobarometer: problems with the validity of the so-called Moreno scale
Moreno Scale, National Identity, Politicas Indicators, Europeanism, Eurobarometer, Centro de Investigaciones SociológicasAbstract
This research note presents, in the first place, the rather large differences between CIS and EB measurements of national and European identities in Spain. More important though, and secondly, it attempts to find out to what extent we are looking at problems related to the measuring instruments used. This is an important issue given the possible consequences that would arise, from the viewpoint of Spain?s European policy, according to the different results offered by each of these sources. This research note shows that although the measuring instrument used by the CIS and the EB (the Moreno scale) produces reliable measurements in each country (with consistent measurements over time), it is not a valid instrument since the differences between both sources give rise to doubt that what is intended to be measured really is being measured. Aside from the general criticisms that various authors have applied to this type of attitudinal, onedimensional, dichotomic scale, it is clear that small changes in the wording and response categories produce such great differences in the results that we should ask ourselves whether it really is worthwhile continuing to use this instrument. Lastly, we discuss the use of alternatives to the Moreno Scale that are sometimes used by the CIS and the EB but which have not achieved the same level of popularity, while also taking into account the role of identity of a dependent or independent variable in research design.
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