The Influence of Social Connections on Reading Habits: A Sociological Analysis of Reading in Spain




Books Consumption, Social Inequality, Social Factors, Reading, Cultural Practices, Social Bonds


This article addresses the study of reading habits in Spain, a central aspect of cultural consumption that has received little academic attention. Through a multivariate and ordinal regression analysis, we investigate how various structural, cultural, and attitudinal factors influence these habits. We particularly highlight the significant influence of social connections (such as family, the educational environment, and friendships) in the formation of reading habits. This provides a perspective that goes beyond the simplified division between reader/non-reader and previous analysis focused on elitist distinctions. The findings suggest that variations in cultural reading consumption are more closely linked to differences in social environments and their relationship with culture than to socioeconomic condition or individuals’ educational level. 


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How to Cite

Pizzi, A., & Rius-Ulldemolins, J. (2024). The Influence of Social Connections on Reading Habits: A Sociological Analysis of Reading in Spain. Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, (188), 121–144.


