
The Spanish Anti-Rights Field. Protest Cycle and Networks of Catholic- Inspired Neoconservative Organisations (1978-2023)



Social Mobilisation, Far Right, Pro-Life, Anti-gender, Anti-euthanasia, Catholicism


This article analyses the protest cycle (1978-present) of the Spanish field of Catholic-inspired secular organisations that espouse neoconservative ideology (CISO-Ns) against progressive morality politics. To do so, it relies on a comparative-historical and relational approach that focuses on the evolving interplay between 1) cultural and political opportunity structures; 2) the network structure and dynamics of the CISO-N field, and its “expanded anti-rights field” composed of religious and political organisations; and 3) their tactical-discursive triangulation. The research is based on a qualitative study involving in-depth interviews, participant observation and netnography. Data show that, far from being mere conveyor belts for the ecclesiastical message, or being at the service of conservative political parties, CISO-Ns lead a complex strategy based on the “re-politicisation of religion” following a logic of their own. 


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How to Cite

García Martín, J., & Perugorría, I. (2024). The Spanish Anti-Rights Field. Protest Cycle and Networks of Catholic- Inspired Neoconservative Organisations (1978-2023). Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, 63–92. Retrieved from


