El Papel de la familia y los servicios en el mantenimiento de la autonomía de las personas mayores

Una perspectiva internacional comparada


  • María Teresa Bazo Royo Universidad del País Vasco
  • Iciar Ancizu García SARquavitae (Barcelona)




Autonomy, the Elderly at Risk of Dependence, Social Policy, Family Care, Public Services


This article examines in a comparative perspective the structure and dynamics of models of
care and support to older people in five countries with different welfare structures and traditions, as
well as distinct values, norms and family cultures. A dissimilar sense of autonomy among older
people is also observed in the countries under study. These are: Norway, England, Germany, Spain
and Israel. The results presented here illustrate the support provided to older people in risk of
dependency by public services, private agencies and families. Similarities and differences are found
between the five countries. This research is part of a large project funded by the European
Commission under the Fifth Framework Programme. The data presented here are the result of
quantitative and qualitative data analysis carried out using survey data collected in a sample of
6000 persons and in-depths interviews with parent-child dyads. Qualitative analyses have been
undertaken using the WinMAX software. Recommendations for public policies are offered after the


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How to Cite

Bazo Royo, M. T., & Ancizu García, I. (2024). El Papel de la familia y los servicios en el mantenimiento de la autonomía de las personas mayores : Una perspectiva internacional comparada. Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, (105), 43–77. https://doi.org/10.5477/cis/reis.105.43


