
Digitalisation and Digital Society: Working Life Experiences of Software Developers.

Avance correspondiente al Nº 190


  • Eduardo Bericat Alastuey Universidad de Sevilla
  • Julia Acosta Universidad de la República


Digital society, life experiences, emotions, social change, Sociology of Work


Software developers play a key role in the transition to a digital society. These IT professionals are responsible for the digitalisation of all kinds of social procedures through the creation of algorithms, software applications and online platforms. However, this far-reaching creative process remains hidden from the eyes of the general population. Applying the method of Life Experience Analysis (ExA), the study makes the work of software developers visible. It reflects on the digital society based on their working life experiences. Their stories reveal the paradoxes that affect the process of creating this new society. They also show the dual nature of the experience of individual living through this phase of profound social change, which we call the digital transition.


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How to Cite

Bericat Alastuey, E., & Acosta, J. (2024). Digitalisation and Digital Society: Working Life Experiences of Software Developers.: Avance correspondiente al Nº 190. Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, 41–60. Retrieved from


