El ojo sociológico


  • Jesús Manuel de Miguel Rodríguez Universidad de Barcelona




Fotografía, Sociología Visual, Teoría Sociológica, Sociología del Arte


Visual sociology has scarcely begun in Spain. Well-known sociologists in other countries have
draw up theories on image, among them Erving Goffman (Canada), Howard Becker (United States)
and Pierre Bourdieu (France). One of the first tasks tackled in visual sociology is to teach the art of
seeing, and analyse the gaze. The end aim is to collaborate in the construction of social reality, and
in the change of processes of social inequality in an all-encompassing world. In order to establish
the foundations of such a building, this article analysis the process of seeing, and the social forms of
looking. Some ideas on visual interpretation in Spain are presented. The blind spot theory applied to
social reality is worked on. All these ideas make it possible to advance towards the
institutionalization of visual sociology in Spain, its study and research. The interpretation of social
reality is adversely affected by two processes: that of seeing and that of interpreting what is seen.
The visual culture prevailing at present requires an active deconstruction of its social meanings and
consequences. Scholars of sociology must learn look and gaze if they want to become good


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How to Cite

de Miguel Rodríguez, J. M. (2024). El ojo sociológico. Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, (101), 49–88. https://doi.org/10.5477/cis/reis.101.49


