Neoliberal Intergovernmentality and the Politicization of the EU: The Transformation of National Political Fields and the New Pro-Europeanisms




COVID-19, European Public Sphere, Europeanization, European Integration, Neoliberalism, European Union


The 2010s, which began with the financial crisis, was followed by the refugee crisis and culminated with the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. These political crises have consolidated theoretical approaches to the European political field, conceived as much more than a mere diplomatic environment in which national governments negotiate common policies. The coronavirus crisis, however, resulted in a faster, more decisive response than the previous two crises, mobilizing an unprecedented number of resources and building new consensuses at a previously unforeseen rate. This article uses a political sociology
perspective to examine the European response to several recent internal and external crises, revealing a transformation in the way in which politics operates that we conceive as “intergovernmentality”, a process that is compatible with the transformation of national political fields through the politicization of the EU.


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How to Cite

Bouza García, L., & Oleart, Álvaro. (2023). Neoliberal Intergovernmentality and the Politicization of the EU: The Transformation of National Political Fields and the New Pro-Europeanisms. Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, (183), 3–22.


