Parental Divorce and Long-Term Educational Attainment of Children in Spain: Heterogeneity Based on Parental Education




Parental Divorce, Social Stratification, Educational Attainment, Time of Divorce, Intergenerational Transmission


This paper analyses the association between parental divorce during childhood and children's university attainment in Spain, based on parental socioeconomic status. For this, linear probability models were estimated, using data from the Spanish General Social Surveys of 2013, 2015 and 2017. The results suggest a negative association between parental divorce and the probability of children obtaining university degrees, with a higher penalty occurring when the divorce occurs when the child is aged 0-5 or 12-16 years. Moreover, the penalty of divorce on the probability of obtaining a university degree is higher for children of parents having a high socioeconomic status.


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How to Cite

Mejías-Leiva, M., & Moreno Mínguez, A. (2023). Parental Divorce and Long-Term Educational Attainment of Children in Spain: Heterogeneity Based on Parental Education. Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, (183), 57–76.


