El plan Concertado de Prestaciones Básicas de Servicios Sociales en España (Once años del Plan Concertado)
Servicios sociales públicos, Estado de bienestar, Protección social, Planes integralesAbstract
The intervention of public authorities through State bodies has been a constant factor in
respect of social welfare and social services, and now that the 20th century has ended we consider
it appropriate for the State to continue being the fundamental guarantee for those individuals
who, together with the market and, above all, non profit-making organizations, are going
through difficult times.The CCB Plan (Christian community of assets) was the source of
inspiration of basic or community social services in the sixties. It was the Spanish tradition that
was closest to hand and capable of organizing such services for providing social welfare and
charity. As from the reinstatement of democracy and for several years after this (1988) a public
network of general social services for everyone began to develop, and this started becoming
consolidated during the nineties on the level of basic benefits. The agreement reached between
the Central Administration, Autonomous Regions and Local Bodies was to make the establishment
of the basic network of public social services possible. The 1988 «Plan Concertado» (Officially
Approved Plan) was the product of that agreement, and this became consolidated in around
1995. Now that over ten years have elapsed since the «Plan Concertado» saw the light of day
(1988-1998), the experience gained and the information now available make it possible to bring
in transformatioins which adapt it to the new needs of Spanish society. The demands made by
fresh needs and social services for everyone set the standards for what the advancement of the
«Plan Concertado» should be.
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