Code of Ethics

REIS journal is a digital tool that allows dissemination of scientific knowledge to community inserted into increasingly technological and globalized world. This journal maintains its commitment to adapt requirements of new technologies, which facilitates accessibility of its contents, complying values and objectives of represented institution.

Under this purpose, this journal commits itself with published contents, establishing a Code of Ethics based on the following principles that make possible equal opportunities in access to knowledge:

1. Texts received by journal must be original and unpublished, that is, have not been published, released or previously submitted to other publications. Authors should refrain themselves from copying texts they have published previously.

2. Authors are responsible of requesting timely license for the publication of texts, figures or tables from other publications, with the corresponding references and cites, according with anti-plagiarism policy of this journal.

3. Articles will be reviewed using Anti-Plagiarism Software called Similitary Check. In case of detecting practices of plagiarism, self-plagiarism or scientific fraud the submission will be rejected.

4. The authors should abide by following editorial rules and not engage in inappropriate scientific practices such as falsification or manipulation of data. Authors should adhere to discipline-specific rules for acquiring, selecting and processsing data.

5. If experiments involving human beings are published, these must comply and follow the ethical regulations on responsible human experimentation and the 1975 Helsinki Declaration and Ethics Committees of the different institutions. Personal data from involved participants and institutions, should be respected.

6. If project was funded by an entity, such entity should provide authorization to release results. In the cover letter sent to the journal, the source of funding must be indicated, and later it is going to appear referenced in the article.

7. Projects involving people as subject research, must have an informed consent from them, where they are previously informed of the research purposes and the outcome release, ensuring confidentiality of personal data.

8. Articles will follow a double blind evaluation guaranteeing anonymity of authorship and evaluator’s data. Terms agreed to complete evaluation will be complied, and the possibility of waiving the evaluation if subject is not consistent with the formation of evaluator or any conflicts of interest.

9. Journal expects authors to report any business partnership that may entail a conflict of interest associated with the article submitted. Journal shall not be liable of any potential conflicts derived from the authorship of projects published in journal.

10. All authors must be aware of submission of the article to the journal, being the main responsible for compliance with editorial standards and deadlines. If a mistake or serious error is detected, authors should immediately contact to editorial team.

11. Article’s Authorship. List of authors should only include those individuals who have contributed intellectually to the project development, that is, those that who have participated in the research design and execution, in drafting and result evaluation and lastly, that have approved the final version of text before it is submitted to journal. The contributions of all authors must be described in the article.

12. Journal facilitates free access of all on-line contents.

13. REIS journal is ccording with the principles of integration and gender equality. Journal follows gender policies that facilitate parity in editorial teams between men and women; as well as the reference of the name of the researchers in the related studies and the bibliographical references.

14. Authors must use inclusive language, avoiding stereotypes and stigmatization of groups or individuals, and follow gender equality guidelines that refer to the use of both sexes interchangeably, and generics to avoid this distinction.