Sociological Theory and Social Reality




Research Methodology, Social Ecosystem, Center and Periphery, Social Values, Cultural Values, Security, Social Structure, Social Change


This paper pretends to demonstrate the complementary relations between three
relatively recent sociological theories, each one of which explains a different aspect
of the same social object: the origin, diffusion and change of social and cultural
values, aiming at demonstrating that there is not such a thing as a sociological theory
that explains all, but rather diverse theories that offer partial explanations of social
reality. To that effect, and on the basis of the necessary relationship between theory
and research, three different theories are evaluated separately: Hawley’s and Duncan’s
theory of the social ecosystem, Galtung’s centre-periphery theory, and Inglehart’s
theory of values’ change in modern-industrial societies, offering theoretical and
empirical evidence of their complementary relations, based on Spanish and
international data. Social ecosystem and centre-periphery theories show a high
level of generalization (through space and time) and a high level of abstraction,
though both can easily operationalize their main concepts through valid and reliable
indicators. The theory of values’ change, however, though showing a high level of
generalization, is limited in time to the historical period after World War II, and also
shows a high level of abstraction. Centre-periphery theory and values’ change theory
use individual and collective units of analysis, but social ecosystem theory only uses
collective units, by definition. The three theories lead to the conclusion that ‘security’
values will gain a growing importance in present societies.


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How to Cite

Díez Nicolás, J. (2024). Sociological Theory and Social Reality. Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, (143), 7–24.


