Heterogeneous Views on Fourth-Wave Feminism among Young People in Valencia. Gender and Equality Discourse
Activisms, Social Discourses, Popular Feminism, Focus Groups, NeoliberalismAbstract
The social discourses of young people aged 18 to 30 in Valencia were explored in the context of the emergent popularisation of
feminism. Focus groups were used to analyse how youth address gender and equality issues. A structural sample was developed by
considering two axes: the volume of global capital and the positions on the gender order. Nine focus groups were used to analyse the different discursive positions on feminism and gender issues, as well as the strategies for change provided. Discursive positions
were analysed in relation to both the hypervisibility of feminism in the neoliberal context and the emergence of popular misogyny in
opposition to the popularisation of feminisms.
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