Gender Patterns in the Dedication to Unpaid Domestic Labour among the Older Adult Population in 18 European Countries




Europe, Gender, Regional Patterns, Older Population, SHARE, Unpaid Domestic Work


This article examines the dedication to unpaid domestic work among men and women aged 55 to 71 in eighteen European countries. The 2019-2020 SHARE survey is used, which, for the first time included a specific ‘time use’ module to determine the time women and men dedicate to unpaid domestic work. The initial results confirm that more time is allocated to this work in Mediterranean and Eastern European countries, while in the central-north and east, the time allocation between women and men for unpaid domestic work is more equitable. To explain these differences, countries have been classified into four groups, and a gender pattern is found based on variables such as labour market participation, level of education, and income. This permits us to conclude that dedication to unpaid domestic labour is gender based and linked to regional contexts. 


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How to Cite

Almirall Llambrich, M., Miret Gamundi, P., & García Román, J. (2024). Gender Patterns in the Dedication to Unpaid Domestic Labour among the Older Adult Population in 18 European Countries. Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, (187), 7–24.


