Digital Gender Violence. A Proposal from the Architecture of Digital Environments and Forensic Linguistics
Affordances, Algorithms, Gamer Culture, Digital Environments, Valorant, Gender-Based ViolenceAbstract
Despite its increasing presence, gender-based digital violence has yet to be suitably addressed by current analyses, regulations or
protocols. This article tentatively proposes the development of a new interdisciplinary sociological research approach to bridge the
gap between forensic linguistics and the study of digital environment designs. We argue that the structure of these digital environments predisposes them to certain gender-based violent interactions, which are already ingrained in our cultures, and which manifest through linguistic resources and usage. To illustrate this connection, we present a brief case study on the Valorant video game. Despite the preliminary nature of this work, we believe that it may contribute to the development of tools for the detection and analysis of genderbased violence over the Internet.
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