La Vivienda como determinante de la formación familiar en España desde una perspectiva comparada




Vivienda, Estructura Familiar, España, Francia


This comparative article analyses the influence of the configuration of the market and the
housing policy in Spain on the calendar and structure of family formation. In order to do this,
presented first are the Spanish peculiarities in the models of creation of new households in contrast
to France, and then, the regional variations within Spain. This dual comparative perspective makes
it possible to understand the articulations of institutions and the markets with the models of creation
of homes in the decades from 1980 to 2000. Two models of logistics regression are created for first
estimating the probabilities of living in rented accommodation in Spain and France, and after this,
the probabilities of living in an independent home while young and according to the Autonomous
Regional Community that is the place of residence. A description is given of the microsociological
mechanisms through which the housing markets with relatively easy access to rented
accommodation encourage early family formation that is better adapted to the needs for innovation
and trial of young families. The comparative institutional analysis of the Spanish housing market
and its state regulation shows how this latter is not neutral as regards forms of house possession and
how it favours families that are well inserted into the labour market. The conclusion is that this
housing policy acts as a negative factor on the proliferation of de facto couples and on early
formation of a family.


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How to Cite

Jurado Guerrero, T. (2024). La Vivienda como determinante de la formación familiar en España desde una perspectiva comparada. Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, (103), 113–157.


