The Economy that Lies Ahead. The Effects of Digital Social Relations on Work Productivity, Coordination and Independence




Digital Divide, Technological Capital, Social Networks, • Information and Communication Technologies, • Work


The workplace is one of the environments that has most adapted to changes that have occurred in the context of the information and communication age. This study examines the effects of information and communication technologies (ICT) on Spanish workers, specifically, on their work performance, ability to coordinate with colleagues and on the possibility of achieving greater work independence. Two studies by the Spanish Centre for Sociological Research (2014 and 2016) on Digital Social Networks are used to meet this objective. The results indicate a greater probability of improving performance, coordination and work independence when using some ICT. Differences are also found in sociodemographic and socioeconomic status variables, which increase this probability in some cases when users are aware of the potential of a network of strong ties.


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How to Cite

Requena, F., & García-Moreno, J. M. (2023). The Economy that Lies Ahead. The Effects of Digital Social Relations on Work Productivity, Coordination and Independence. Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, (184).


