Time Is so Important that We Know How to Measure It: A Reflection for Alonso-Carmona and Martín-Criado
Inequality of Educational Opportunities, • Interaction Models, Generalized Linear Models, Family-school Relationships, Quantitative SociologyAbstract
The study of time and the response of individuals to contextual changes are crucial aspects in the social sciences, especially when analyzing educational inequalities and parental involvement during early stages of schooling. This work contrasts certain conclusions made by Alonso-Carmona and Martín-Criado (2022) in their critical examination of the general linear models applied to survey data, especially regarding the impact of parental practices and expectations on children?s education. In response to the critique made by Andrew Abbott (2001), a detailed examination is offered of the critical postulates related to generalized linear models, while also examining the alternative model proposed by Alonso-Carmona and Martín-Criado: the processual and relational approach, based on the conclusions reached.
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