
La brecha salarial de clase en ocupaciones destacadas del Perú



Class pay gap, class, social background, elite education, Peru


This article seeks to contribute to the study of wage gaps in the Latin American region, focusing on differences based on social class. Based on the analysis of household surveys, this study analyses the salary differences of people who work in the most prominent occupations in Peru. We show that social origin determines significant differences in the remuneration of the highest-income sectors. Likewise, the article shows that although education and, in particular, attending prestigious universities reduces the gap by a significant percentage, it does not neutralise the weight of social origin in salary differences.


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Author Biographies

Mauricio Renteria, The University of Manchester

PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of Manchester. He is a sociologist from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and with a Master's Degree in Inequalities and Social Sciences from the London School of Economics (LSE). His research is within the field of studies on inequalities and social classes. His recent publications La distinción silenciosa (co-authored with Patricia Zárate) and ¿De qué colegio eres? (co-authored with Luciana Reátegui and Alvaro Grompone) address the material and symbolic dimensions of class inequality and the reproduction of the upper class in Peru.

Saúl Elguera , Instituto de Estudios Peruanos

Economist from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and currently studying a master's in Applied Economics at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). His research is within the field of studies on social mobility, inequalities, poverty and the labour market. His recent publication Inequalities of access to the dominant class in Peru (co-authored with Mauricio Rentería) analyses the way in which different forms of inequality bias opportunities for access to the dominant class in Peru.


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How to Cite

Renteria, M., & Elguera , S. (2024). La brecha salarial de clase en ocupaciones destacadas del Perú. Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, 109–130. Retrieved from


